Written by Roy van Rijn (royvanrijn.com) on
Dec 15, 2015 15:00:41
Keep the Force asleep
At the moment it is very hard for an online nerd on Twitter. Star Wars ep 7: The Force Awakens has been released into the wild and most of us haven’t seen it yet. But luckely there is a solution, I’ve created a handy bookmarklet.
A bookmarklet is a piece of Javascript code that you can add as a bookmark. When you are on a certain website (like Twitter) you can press the bookmarklet and the Javascript is executed. The bookmarklet code I’m using has been created using this great website: DeClutter Twitter and it removes most Star Wars related tweets from your timeline!
Just drag this bookmarklet ForceFilter to the bookmark section of your browser. Next time you open Twitter, quickly press the bookmarklet before reading.
The code
Below is the (generated) code, again, made by DeClutter Twitter (all credits belong there):